Call to Action

I’ve been keeping with the club streak, did a nice 5 today. My ankles are still sore, they’re not going to get better this week that’s for sure, but I’ll keep plodding along. I don’t do these streaks for the prize (we get cups or mugs or such for completion), I don’t do it to brag about it on here, in fact, I hope no one ever takes anything on here as me bragging. I do it for a few reasons, first is that I actually like my running club, it’s full of cool and interesting people. That sense of feeling, belonging you get. But I also do it for the people who can’t do it, the people who are sick, hurt, or otherwise cannot participate, yet want to. I feel it would be insulting to them, and their desire if I didn’t get out there an run while i had the chance. Lastly, I do it for the people who are also doing it and are struggling, and may want to quit. Now there’s nothing wrong with dropping out of such a venture if you’re truly overwhelmed by it, or have injured yourself or some such. But just the people struggling with the logistics, the desire, I want to keep them motivated. Because I know when they finish, if they finish, they will feel great about themselves for it. Not so they’ll feel grateful to me, but that they’ll feel grateful to themselves and for themselves.
I don’t know if I talk about this enough or if I talk about it too much, life seems very easy for me to most people who witness me. This is not true, it can be a true struggle. Outwardly, I stay as happy as I can, I stay as confident as I can. I know I know the things I know. Even if I can’t quite you the exact peer-reviewed study, I know it’s there and it’s just a matter of me googling it. I know I’m pretty strong and exceptionally capable with many things. I have a good mind for figuring out how to get things done. I’ve certainly watched enough “Primitive Technology” to know how to survive pretty well if civilization came crashing down without an extinction event. That’s all exterior though, inside I’m rife with doubt, anxiety, even depression, and negativity. It is exceptionally difficult for me to actually be happy with myself. But I keep fighting, because I know letting that stuff win doesn’t do any good at all.
Why do I mention this? Simple, it’s my motivation for what I write, how I treat other people, how I act in public when I’m not motor-mouthing out of anxiety. I don’t ever want any other human being to feel the way I do inside. I want to make sure other people have the strength to fight whatever they have going on inside them. I want to make sure that their inner struggles don’t consume them. It’s a very tall order, and in the end I really have no control over that, just as I have no control over anything else in the Universe. That doesn’t mean I shouldn’t at least try, because maybe I fail 9 times out of 10, but that tenth time, that person is helped. I don’t need to know that I helped even, I don’t need to be thanked, it’s just the thing to do. I’m a builder, it’s what I do. Every job I’ve ever had I’ve looked at the tasks I do like I’m building something, even when I’m not. As a teacher, I’m building better English users. Every day I’m (hopefully) building lessons which entertain and inform.
In the same strain, I hope that here I am building people to think more critically, and participate more in the outside world. To hopefully build a world that is truly fair, just, good for all people, and good for all life. I always try and work in what the reader, and what I could do, to bring about real, substantive change in the world, to fix the wrongs we see. On my private social media, what is that, I tend to be more of a complainer, but I still try and argue (when people bother to actually argue) what concrete thing can be done to fix that issue.
I see a lot of people who spend so much time complaining about National politicians, I do my fair share, but they particularly go after national politicians who have retired, or are not going to run for anything anymore. They say they want to bring that side over to them by doing this. But beating the head that’s already been removed from the Hydra isn’t going to change anything. I tell my friends, you have to get your town nominating committee to get the candidates you want on your BOE, Town Council, in the Mayor’s Office, Police Commission, State Representatives, States Senators. You do that Nationwide (As I’ve said here a million times) then any party you subscribe to will change, nationally. That’s what the Tea Baggers, those racist, Nazi fucks, did to the GOP. You want to move the national party away from whatever, you want to build a third party into a force, that’s what you have to do. Get 150 people into your town nominating meeting, all backing the same candidate you do. Repeat that in every town, everywhere you can, watch how quickly things change. The Tea Party had lots of corporate cash helping them, it’s a large reason it spread so quickly, but still. The principle is the same.
I see so much wasted effort, I see so much energy going in the wrong direction. There will never be a Red October in the US. The only hopes are either a complete societal collapse, or enough people pulling this very heavy weight in the right direction long enough that real change happens. Either way, I’m good. If the world ends, I did everything I could, if the world is saved, I did everything I could.
I’m proud to say that this year saw the largest number of personal friends voted into elected office. I have wonderful friends serving in different capacities in four different municipalities, in more than one state and some who serve in state legislative bodies, among others. I know I didn’t encourage all of them, I may not have been a factor for any of them, I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter. I say you have to get involved locally, and they have. I know these people are regardless of their party affiliation I know they are going to do what is right for the people they represent, which is pretty cool. How do I know this? They are my friends, generally that’s how I pick friends. Not really but it seems to work that way, I find people who excel at doing the right thing.
That’s the trick that’s the goal. Go out and do the right thing. But never think you can stop at “If only this would happen, then this could happen.” Ok, either figure out how to make the first condition true, or leave it alone. If you can’t make something happen, then you need to find a different plan of attack. This means you have to start small, and you have to build, and you have to keep building, until you get things the way you think they should be. But if all you’re doing is pointing out the faults, or just making plans which can never be actualized, you’re not doing anything at all. Just because I’m saying that doesn’t mean I don’t see the enormous issues which need to be fixed immediately, I think anyone who reads this frequently, knows I know this all too well. But the fact is it’s not going to happen overnight, we need to take what we can when we can, and keep trying for more. Put another way, I cannot take down a whole mountain tomorrow, but if I convince enough of my friends, and enough strangers that we need to take down that mountain, we sure can do it. Not just because I don’t have the physical strength, but I may not have the best ideas, I may not know the best technology to use, I may not know the weaknesses of the geology of that mountain, but a friend might, a sympathetic stranger might.
So don’t just think of what’s wrong, figure out how to fix it, that’s the point, that’s always the point. Find people to work with.

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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Running away with it

I went out for 5 miles today, and then the day just got away from me. I got my usual cooking and cleaning in, watched the Puglia Derby, Bari v Foggia, Bari won 1-0. Next thing you know, I’m getting ready for bed! I have to be at work by 9am, so it means an early Sunday night.
So yeah, today just ran away with me, but it’s cool. Time for bed and get ready to face a new week.

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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Just a quick one

Yesterday was quite the essay right? So today I had to get up and go to work super early, so as soon as I got home I put in a run to complete the requirements for my streak. I actually ran pretty fast, the fastest I’ve done an out and back to the end of the breakwater at least. My ankle still not feeling well, but screw it.
In less than a week it will be December. In just under 40 days, it will be 2018. Although I’ve cut back my miles, if all things remain equal I should just barely pass last year’s total. It has not been the easiest year for sure. But more on that in about a month. I won’t hit 100 miles this month, the first time in a very long time.
Anyway, just wanted to check in and get back into a more regular habit, I don’t really have much else to say. Been up for a very long time now today. Plus, punk rock Christmas songs right?!?!

Have fun, keep running and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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Nature vs Nuture and stuff

OK, I took a couple weeks off. Waking up every morning with my ankles stiff and sore, barely able to walk was too much. With my US running club’s Holiday Streaking Challenge starting yesterday, I decided to take time off and heal up as best as possible. It didn’t do much this time off, as of this morning, after one run I was practically back to where I was. I’m stopping with mileage goals, just get at least my 1 mile every day to complete the challenge. Today I did a 5k. So yesterday a 5 mile run and today a 5k, covering all the Turkey Trots I missed yesterday.
I have been doing yoga regularly to make up for the missed runs at least. So that gets me thinking about things. Plus, I’ve still been dealing with some pretty serious anxiety although the general depression has subsided. It’s been pretty difficult at times, but I muscle through it the best I can. I’ve been trying to ignore things which make it worse. Through it all though, I’m happy. I can’t help the anxiety and to a point I can’t help the depression either. When it happens I just have to do my best to mitigate it. It is part of who I am. Which leads me to think, what are we?
I’ve talked about this stuff before, but it’s really that important. To figure out what is nature, and what is a product of our environment and situation, we have to strip away everything, even if just in thought. To really decipher human nature, requires abandoning all trappings of society, even the simplest things, to figure out what we need, and who we are to get that. People have tried, but they’ve always been clouded by history, or perceived history. The Enlightenment thinkers who ended up forming our modern society were trying to justify their own philosophies and so determined human nature to be something selfish, greedy, base.
But really take some time out and strip away all the things you think you need, all the things you want, all the you have and ask yourself who you really are. What you really want out of life. Where do you want to be, what do you want to do. Not what do you want to do for a job, but do you want to help people, do you want to hurt people? Do you want to be all by yourself? What makes you feel that way? Why? Is it because of how modern society acts, how people have treated you? Or is it truly just who you are? How do you separate the two? It’s not a simple task, to honestly look at yourself, to truly be introspective and ask yourself what your motivation is for your own feelings. Is it just your nature, or is it how you were raised? We’re not just raised by our families mind you, the entire society that you are exposed to has an effect throughout your life.
At the core, people will be different, and that’s ok. But from that very core, then start building your system outward. Keep what works, but get rid of what doesn’t. We need to do that in each of our lives, and we also need to do that in society overall. The problem is that so many people subscribe to business as usual. Even people I know, who claim to want a change still buy into the same societal nonsense causing the issues, telling you that your nature is selfish and base.
My frustration comes from wanting a new world, a new philosophy for so long, and yet never seeing it come. Seeing the same thing happen to my generation as happened to my parents, and knowing that the next generation will go through the same thing. Fits and starts, but no real progress, still basing our ideas on the same flawed ideas of 250-300 years ago.
My point is, many of the things we hang onto so fervently, though (even though I completely got off the point above) we are mostly products of our upbringing, of our society. Human nature is far different from what is presented in life. I firmly believe this is the cause of almost all of the strife in the world. I get that life is not easy or comfortable. In our natural state we are food for lions, tigers, bears, hyenas, cheetahs, leopards, jaguars, wolves, coyotes, crocodiles, alligators, all manner of creatures. We aren’t the strongest, we aren’t the fastest, we aren’t the best able to climb, or jump, we’re actually not good at much naturally. We are good at figuring things out and making tools.
Where does that come from? Why are we good at tools? It’s intelligence right? But here’s the real issue of our modern society, of our nurturing. The Enlightenment philosophers and so many who came after have assumed, and we definitely assume, this intelligence evolved to fight the entropy of the Universe. That we are there to put order to things, that things are supposed to have an order, and that entropy is inherently bad, evil. Simply put, entropy is the “devil”. But is it? Is that what intelligence is for, to fight entropy? To take control and give order to things?
We all talk about power, control, mastery, things like this. But I say no, intelligence is not to create order, to take control. With it we can, and I believe we should, explore and discover as much about the Universe as we can. But we cannot control it, we do not have dominion over it, the energy from which the Universe comes and where its going, this entropy, this state of increasing disorder, is not to be controlled, only understood. In an ordered Universe, without entropy, there is no need for intelligence, all systems can simply function without thought, without concern. Where there is entropy, the more you need to reason out solutions. Entropy creates intelligence, it is a direct result. When the universe was small, the idea of controlling your surroundings was required, it’s a survival instinct. In the full universe, control is impossible, only understanding is possible, and as you begin to attempt to control it you destroy the very thing which makes us survivable as a species, intelligence.
Strip yourself down of all the bullshit, sit back and recognize that entropy is not our foe. Control is not possible, power is an illusion. The only reason any people have “power” is because we created the concept of power, and bestowed it upon human beings. It is not a natural state of being, it has no place in society, it has no place in the universe. Explore, discover, invent, create, understand, these are the actions at the heart of human nature. Once we get beyond the basic eat, sleep, poo, reproduce, not die a horrible death at the hands of a an angry moose. Let go of the artificial, leave it behind, work toward a new world, with new ideas, and a new beginning. If we continue to try and grip tighter and tighter in this idea that we can control the Earth, or anything else, to more rapidly we will meet our demise. The current trajectory we are on, in our fight against entropy is sealing our immediate doom. The only way to truly combat it is to scatter ourselves to the wind, like the seeds of a dandelion. Build up a civilization which can travel and settle far and wide, across the galaxy, across the universe.
Even if our current woes do not spell imminent doom (which they most likely do), eventually an asteroid, comet, massive volcanic activity due to some force, the Sun exploding, a nearby star going supernova, all things which can destroy us and all the life we know. birth, life, death, it happens to everything and all. Entropy is responsible, and there is no stopping it, there is only mitigating its effects. Understanding what we can do to give ourselves the best possible chance, to stay around as long as possible. If humanity ended tomorrow, by the time any creatures gained the ability to interpret what we have done, what we “accomplished”, who we were, they wouldn’t know anyone’s name. They wouldn’t know anything about what you’ve done, or any politician, general, anyone. If any information survived from our science, that they would be able to understand, that they would either immediately, or eventually interpret. Those are the only truths of our society. It seems stark, but it’s true. Our understanding of the universe is the only thing which has any true meaning outside of what humanity has created for themselves. It’s the only thing which context is not dependent fully on our own point of view.
That is our nature, we are explorers, we are here to learn about the universe and our only way to truly prosper, the only way to truly empower ourselves is to discard all our petty bullshit, and put all our efforts into exploration. To truly embrace all human beings as being valuable, as having rights to live, and learn, to be happy, that’s the only way we can truly explore. In order to survive, in order for any of this to be meaningful we need to devote far more resources into our discovery than we currently do. We waste so many resources clinging to our petty capitalism, in oppressing people and convincing some people they deserve to be oppressed. We cannot possibly survive. Why do we do this? In the drive for power and control, we tell the lie that people are immediately going to look out for their group first, but this is fundamentally not true, you can even see it in the lies we tell about the origins of Thanksgiving. The Natives didn’t come in and kill the interlopers, they didn’t hoard all their harvest for themselves, they didn’t protect their intellectual property. They shared their food, their knowledge, their land with the visitors. That was the natural reaction for them. Human beings, help them. That is the nature of a human being, it doesn’t matter what you look like, where you come from, what you sound like, what you wear. We recognize a fellow human being, and our instinct is to help if needed. If you don’t feel that is your nature, then you have been conditioned to believe that.
Let go of your conditioning, get in touch with your true nature and build a life around that. We need to start coming together, or else we will find that entropy does not care about how much money you have, how nice your car or house is, how many people are on your payroll.
Happy Holidays!

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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Ahhh the internet!

Holy crap, that was a shitty layoff, totally unintended! But I got out and ran today! We’re getting into the rainy season here, had a few drops fall as I went and honestly it was a bit cold because of it. I’m so excited that I have unlimited, fast internet now! I’m so excited I can’t really put together any decent, cogent thoughts.
I’m also excited the first indictments have been handed down in the Trump-Russia Affair. I know it’s not a short, sexy “-gate” type headline, but it really deserves it’s own thing, it’s in its own world. Indictment is a fun word, let’s break it down. I love etymology. Dictare, to dictate in Latin. In- in this case does not mean not, but takes its second meaning as ON. -Ment, the suffix showing action or result. On dictating action, being brought in on crimes! J’-fuckin’-cuse!
The rumblings are Mueller now has Flynn, if he has Flynn on the original charges Comey was investigating, then he has Trump on Obstruction, then it becomes a game of what else Mueller can prove, and how much pressure the American People can put on the GOP to remove this scumbag.
But as I’ve said, I’m too excited today to really put together anything good. A lot of that comes from not sleeping much last night! hahahaha Well, I played video games and got my playstation updated and shit like that!

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil Can Run then so can you!

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No sooner do I have internet

Than I need to go to work, but I will be updating ASAP! Promise! Sorry everyone, and congratulations to everyone in the NYC Marathon, and first female winner from the US in 40 years! Impressive, I think USATF is taking marathon distance seriously again!

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