Birthdays and moving!

 Excuses out of the way, I ran the day before my birthday, it was slow and arduous. Then another slow trudge on my birthday.  Skipped my usual Thursday because I moved to Trani, and between getting the rental car in Napoli, getting my shit together, getting out here, finding an apartment, hanging out with friends, then visiting my new job yesterday, life was actually too busy to run.

Now, anyone that knows me and knows this blog knows that I do not name names, and I do not talk too much about the people in my personal life. But I would be remiss, without breaking my own rules here, if I continued without mentioning that the whole time I was moving, and for my birthday, a very special person was there to make a very stressful time into a great pleasure. Everything would not have come together so easily and it would not have gone nearly so well without them. As I know this person reads this, you know who you are, thank to so much!

So finally, I woke up this morning and ran. Of course, on the run I ended up making a new friend, how great is that? It’s the power of being positive. The irony is, his wife is an English teacher in town! The run was shorter than I wanted, I miscalculated the return distance, as I didn’t retrace everything. But it was for the best, I was pretty beat, I’ve been working very hard the last few days and I am still recovering from the layoff, after being injured. Which, I do need to be careful of the Lecce stone streets, very easy to turn an ankle. The good news on that is, it’s only in the historic district. The downside is, I live in the center of the historic district! 

But that is significant. I talk a lot (those that pay attention) about deciding what you want, setting goals and making it happen. It’s part of having the #PMA. Well, when I first visited Trani in 2008 I said, “one day I want to live here.” Now some people in those world have the means to just do that. Most of us do not. Most of us have to put in lots of work. I still have tons of work to do to make this happen for any reasonable duration. I won’t get complacent. But in less than 10 years, I made it happen. Patience, hard work, thoughtfulness, these things make a difference, in anything. Figure out what you want, and go for it. No thing, no place, no person, is going to give you happiness and freedom. Happiness and freedom come from finding what you want, deciding you really want those things and giving your all to make it happen. And if what you want changes along the way, then change! Easy as that, and if you fail, it’s fine. That’s part of life too, keep moving forward, adjust, adapt, overcome! We are flexible, we are adaptable, that’s what being human is. We’re not sharks, who have to keep swimming (yes, I know not all sharks have to) no matter what, we can stop, look, rethink, rest, recoup, and change.

That’s what we always need to keep in mind. To be human is to be a survivor. Of course, on a macro scale, if we don’t change soon we won’t be able to adapt away from the impending doom. But you just  keep voting for the Trumps of the world, because they keep you comfortable, see how comfortable you are when the world literally burns.

Not getting into that today, have to keep moving, I got a good thing going here.

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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