Coming toward the end of my odyssey, in a way

So I signed up for my September marathon tonight. The Inaugural Suffolk County Marathon in Islip, NY. With October already done, that means I just have to sign up for November and December, then I just have to complete them all to make 12 marathons (or more) in 12 months. I’m not going to lie, it’s still way up in the air, I’m in massive pain this evening, my left foot and right knee are howling, and I didn’t even run today! We’ll see what happens, either December comes and goes and I hit my mark (which I’ve already done at least one marathon per month over the past twelve months average) or I break, either way, I’m not giving up. I will finish unless someone forces me to stop. One thing distance running teaches you, it’s to be determined. I hope I make it. In the meantime, I may have an official place to live by the end of the week! Being technically homeless sucks, I don’t suggest it for anyone. remember to give to your local homeless charity, and go help out the less fortunate at a soup kitchen or something equally as great. Lobby to get those horrible laws about not feeding the homeless and such repealed! It’s important! Alright, I need sleep, long week ahead of me, after a long day today, and with this level of pain, and me not using pain killers, chances are it’ll be a restless night. But have hope and stay positive! I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t love it! So have fun kids, and keep running, because if Gil can run, then so can you!

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