Maybe I got a little lost today

Yep, just about 6.4 miles. I took a wrong turn, coupled with another wrong turn and eventually found myself in the middle of some farms. It was weird, a couple dogs tried to attack me but once I got aggressive in return they backed off. I got a really nice view of Vesuvius and snapped the best pic I could without slowing down too much. By the end though, I was too tired to keep moving and walked most of the last mile. But it was a good first solo run. Tomorrow I run with my new running buddies and then Saturday and Sunday I round out my second week of 30 miles right? I may also go to Capri on Sunday, that is to be determined. Here are some lovely pictures of my run today.
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Enjoy that, you should come running with me, it’s dirty and there isn’t much hot water and no internet, but it is lovely right?
Until then, have fun, keep running and remember; If Gil can run then so can you!

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My first run in my new home!

I woke up early, really early, I couldn’t sleep much. I waited until about 6am to get out and run. I ended up running into two guys running as well, and as I didn’t know where I was going, I asked (without knowing how far they were going) if I could run with them. So I ended up running 5 miles with them; gentle, rolling hills in this area, so it was nice. They were older and did not run at a fast pace, so I found myself needing to slow down at times to let them catch up.
I don’t speak much Italian and they don’t speak much English. But one of them lives above the school, which is cool I ended up walking into him as he was coming home for lunch. They are both lawyers, may be a good thing if I start having trouble. As getting a tax code and other national identification is proving slightly difficult. Some crazy thing about our landlady not giving us a proper leasing contract. So I’ve been reduced to asking my friends, who live on the other side of the country (West to East) to sign a document saying I live with them. There are some weird rules and laws here. Unnecessary red tape. Americans don’t know the meaning of the word bureaucracy.
So tomorrow, I don’t have class until 5pm, so going to the store, taking care of some logistical issues, and other mess. Other than that I’m going to take a little time and try to watch some of the Newcastle v United match, and then head home and cook a little dinner I think. But maybe I’ll go out, we’ll see.
Have fun, keep running and remember; If Gil can run then so can you!

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I am in my new home

Well, I’m at the school, I don’t actually have an apartment yet. I stayed in a hotel last night. Just a quick update while I have a minute. I will update further as the day progresses, lots to do still! Have fun, keep running and remember; If Gil can run then so can you!

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Moving day!

Holy crap, no run today and I’ll keep this short, because I’ve been a little verklempt all day. I’m sitting in Terminal 1 at JFK airport right now, my flight is going to board soon. I can’t fully express all my emotions right now, because it will probably make me cry and I’ve been fighting that all day. I’m excited, and scared, and elated, and sad all at the same time.

Remember, my family, my friends, my life, I love you all. Everyone I’ve said should come visit I mean it 100%, and I haven’t even said it to everyone I want to see get off a plane and visit me in beautiful Italy. You all mean so much to me, and I carry each and everyone I’ve of you with me every step of my journey in life. Thank you all so much for everything you contribute that makes me me. I have to board my plane now. Wait for the review about the Boeing 787 and Norwegian Airlines. Until then, have fun, keep running and remeber; if Gil Can Run then so can you!

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My last night in the US

So I ran a few miles today. They were pretty easy, but I packed my gloves, all of them, and some my hands were pretty cold. I don’t think I’ll get a run in tomorrow morning, I have too much to do. But I really want to go up the hill one more time. I’m getting a little teary-eyed thinking about not being able to crest that hill again for a while. It is definitely a huge boost to my training. As much as I hate it, I love it.
I seriously do wish that my friends get out and run with me in some amazing Italian races. Don’t think for a second I don’t mean it. I hope my family comes and visits as well. It was pretty tough sending off a package of my stuff through the Postal Service today. Which, by the way, if you’re sending stuff overseas, the USPS is the most efficient and economical way to send things. I got about 50 lbs of stuff off for just $150, with the optional insurance. So, as much as people malign it, the United States Postal Service is the best way to ship anything.
I don’t think l’ll be able to run tomorrow, I have too much to do, and too little time to do it in. I’m massively nervous, I got really sad saying goodbye to my nieces and nephew, and there’s a huge part of me that doesn’t want to leave my comfort zone. But then there’s most of me that knows that nothing amazing in life ever happened in your comfort zone. That’s true for anybody. All the best things happen when you take risks. When you push the envelope, when you go out and take a massive chance, that’s when the best (and also worst) things happen. My heart is racing, I’m sad that I’m going to miss out on some things, but I know if this works out the way it should (if I put in my best) then I am going to have an amazing adventure, and so many great experiences to share.
That’s the thing, go out and live and have experiences, things mean nothing. Experiences are the key to life. Enjoy! Have fun, keep running and remember; If Gil can run then so can you!

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No show tonight, No run today

Been way too busy, I hate saying I’m too busy, but I’m trying to figure out packing and what to take and take care of all the things I have to take care of before I leave, it’s insane. I don’t even have time, and I apologize, to put into this. Sorry. I will do more tomorrow for you.
Until then have fun, keep running and remember; If Gil can run then so can you!

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A final Club run with the Milford Road Runners (for now)

So I ran with my club! That’s only the second time that happened. It was a pretty good showing, about 20 people, in pretty chilly conditions. Took an easy pace with a couple friends, so we could talk along the way. It was fun, I wish I had gone to more club runs. Afterward we went to Prime 16 for some food and drinks. A couple friends who couldn’t make the run showed up, a few friends who did make the run couldn’t hang out.
So that was my night, my day was mundane things you have to do before taking a long trip or moving. Informing credit card companies I’ll be out of town, setting up bills and stuff like that. It’s mind-numbing but it has to be done.
So nights like these though, you can’t help but think about all the people you are going to miss, and I will. But I also have to do what’s, I hope, best for me. I really think this move is going to be a big positive on many levels. But certainly I don’t ever want to upset anyone, make anyone sad, and I hate missing people, and so I don’t like people missing me. Hopefully, my constant bookfacing and social media presence will help with that! Haha! Ahhh the internets, but where I am moving there is not so much interwebs, so things might get a little spottier, but I will look at the options when I get there. So much to do in such a short time! I think I need sleep for tonight. Still have to run 4 miles or so tomorrow, I’ve got 26 miles in this week, on my way to 30 for the first week of January. Have to stay on the mileage challenge, it will help me transition I hope. Something to keep me focused on running while everything else is changing around me. New surroundings, new people, new job, new home. Plus now I have to find a marathon distance path around the base of Vesuvius.
Have fun, keep running and remember; If Gil can run then so can you!

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Sub-freezing 20-miler

So today I had to get a long run in. I’m so pissed at myself for being lazy over the weekend (and sick) and not doing it while the weather was more decent. No I couldn’t do it tomorrow, I have too much to do to get ready for the big move on Saturday. So here are the stats for the run. I lost most of my energy after mile 14.
It was super cold, -12 C when I started, 10 F. My eyelashes froze, for the first 4 miles my fingers and feet hurt so bad. It was a huge challenge today. It’s one of those days you hate yourself and question why you’re taking every single step, and yet at the end you are happy and proud no matter how long it took.
So tomorrow I start packing for real. I run with my club, and then they have a thing planned for after the run. They’re really cool people. I hear from other folks that other clubs aren’t quite the same. But that’s ok, join a club and make it zany and fun. Zany has been a word I’ve been using today.
One other thing after my run, I actually offended myself with my smell. Through the left-over congestion, the temperatures in the teens, the exhaustion of a 20 miler, I smelled BAD. I had to jump right in the shower, before I had some water, before I ate anything. Speaking of which I’m still in calorie deficit for the day. That’s not good, and I don’t really have anything healthful to eat. Maybe I will top things off with another lovely cup of hot cocoa. I certainly did enough to earn one, even though tomorrow night will be several beers deep. But that’s ok, I have a 6 mile run beforehand. The good news is, the steakhouse we’re going to has a veggie burger on the menu.
Alright kids, goodnight, I’m going to have something yummy. Have fun, keep running and remember; If Gil can run then so can you!

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Meatless Monday is here!

I took a further two days off. I will run tomorrow morning. I think I needed the rest for many reasons. I’m feeling much better, but still not 100%, but now I’m in a new running challenge and so I must run tomorrow, plus I’ll have to taper again if I don’t get a long run in this week.
Meanwhile it is Monday, and I should get a recipe for you to try out right?

Veggie Tuscan Bean Soup
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 red onion, chopped
5 cloves garlic (4 minced, 1 whole)
2 carrots, halved lengthwise and thinly sliced
2 stalks celery, thinly sliced
1 15 -ounce can no-salt-added cannellini beans
1 15 -ounce can no-salt-added petite diced tomatoes
2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese, plus 1 small pieceparmesan rind
Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper
1/2 bag baby spinach

Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large heavy-bottomed pot over medium-high heat. Add the red onion and minced garlic. Cook, stirring, until the onion softens, about 2 minutes. Add the carrots and celery. Cook, stirring, until slightly softened, about 5 minutes. Add the beans, tomatoes, 2 cups water, the parmesan rind, 1/2 teaspoon salt and a few grinds of pepper. Bring to a simmer, then cover and cook until the vegetables are tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the parmesan rind.

Stir the spinach into the soup and cook, stirring occasionally, until wilted, about 5 minutes.

It was so good! Enjoy.
Have fun, keep running and remember; If Gil can run then so can you!

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A day off, no seriously

For the first time in a month and a half, I took a day off from running. Got some stuff done around the house. Not much, but a little. Purchased my airline tickets, and of course now I’m nervy, since they asked me to buy airline tickets before I’ve actually signed a contract. Which is like, I felt crazy doing it. What if something happens, what if they misunderstood something I said or whatever? I don’t know, I’ve never done this before, so I’m worried. Well, if I do end up there, at least I am allowed to work and live there, so if something falls through I’m sure I can figure something out. It will just make things really difficult for a bit. But point is, there’s some fear there. I mean this is a huge step right. So understandably, I have some concerns. But as I said, I have a cushion, insofar as I am a citizen there and I am allowed to work there, so worst case scenario, I just have to turn around and ask some friends for help and land on my feet. But I’m not expecting things to go wrong, I’m just generally neurotic.
No running didn’t help that, but at the same time, I really needed the rest, so much so I may put my long run off until Monday, instead of doing it tomorrow like I planned. Not only did the streak take its toll but the sickness has definitely fatigued me well. While I’m feeling much better today, my chest is still congested and I’m just trying to get that cleared out. Being an asthmatic, and having chest congestion does not make for a good combination on a cold long run.
Alright, I’m going to stop writing, because it’s making me worry more, ha! So have fun, keep running and remember; If Gil can run then so can you!

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