What a miserable run

I just was so hot and humid today, I could barely keep moving. Almost plowed through protesters in front of Planned Parenthood. This is the last time I hope. I have started a petition online to get them removed as a Public Health and Safety threat. Yes I disagree with them scientifically, but that’s not the point. The point is that they are a danger to all runners. Another runner applauded me on the other side for getting them to move. It’s dangerous, and I have enough danger crossing streets where cars may not be looking, people pulling their vehicles out of driveways and waiting in the way while they check to see if the street is clear. I don’t need some protesters posing a further danger because they’re too busy looking for women to harass to pay attention to people running down the sidewalk.
Protests to try and change laws should be done where laws are written, not in front of buildings where people are getting health screenings. I’m just beat today though, the run sucked the life out of me. Then all this crap with Mike Pence, how funny is that massively homoerotic logo though? Have you seen it? If you haven’t look at the Trump-Pence logo, apparently (and I wish I could take credit for this but I can’t I saw it on Wil Wheaton’s FB) Mike Pence is a power-bottom. The whole election process this year has been such an incredible shit show. I can only hope that this nomination goes over as well as it seems to be, which is about as well as a lead balloon.
Then there was a coup attempt in Turkey, looks like it’s going to fail. Edrogan does need to go, but hopefully he will sensibly step down after the smoke clears. Have we tried unplugging the world, and plugging it back in? Maybe CTRL + ALT + DEL? We’re still using an old Operating System. Alright, I’ve had it tonight.

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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