Today is starting well

I got out and ran a pretty decent pace on the usual course. Not as good as I did last week, but it’s a bit wet this morning after some overnight rain, and so I had to mince a bit on the stone streets and could only really open up on pavement. Plus, I didn’t want to aggravate the foot injury. But it is healing, I’ve found if I wear my man-dals during the day when I’m not at work it helps. I don’t know why. I think it’s because they force me to heel strike, taking some pressure off the balls of my feet.
So today is the day, USA. Listen, just go vote, don’t care who you’re voting for. Although, nobody at all took me up on my request to give me one actual, factual, good reason to vote FOR Drumpf. Not a single soul among you. It amazes me considering how much pro-Drumpf stuff I’ve seen. But just for fun, let’s expand it today. Anyone who wants, give me a real reason, which is not legalizing marijuana, that you want to vote for your candidate. Explain to me why it is ethical, why it is moral, why it is practical, why it will work. Tell me what the plan is, and how it will be implemented. Wow me. Show me that you have a good grasp of the issues and you have thought about this, and have made sure your conscience is in line with how you are voting, or why you aren’t voting even. Explain to me the virtues, if you prefer, of not voting at all. Give me reasons why your philosophy makes a positive difference.
That’s what I do here, I share my thoughts, my philosophy, my ideas, and give you reasons why I think they are positive, why they help people other than myself. But no one ever shares with me, if you agree or disagree, in general, I don’t get much feedback. I want to know. Yes, I am anti-Trump, and I’ve explained that my agenda, the things I want to see happen, definitely dies under a Trump presidency, and there is hope that some things will remain under a Clinton Presidency. Yes I made it about me. I do agree with Clinton on things, like changing the ACA (Obamacare) and improving it, I want to see universal coverage, or as some say now Medicare expansion. Which is simple. I want to see tuition-free public college for families making under $125,000/yr. I want to see things like that and more. It’s a good start, things that can be built on in the future to make the country a better place. I want a candidate who acknowledges that climate change is a real, man-made phenomenon, and that we must start taking real steps toward addressing the issue. That’s not far enough for me, I know we need immediate, drastic action, but hopefully, incremental steps will be enough. I want a candidate that recognizes that not all pregnancies are meant to be carried full-term, that sometimes bad shit happens to people, and women should be allowed to decide what happens within their own bodies. I want everybody to be able to walk down the street without fear of being targeted because of what they look like, how they worship (if they do), or who they love. Politicians can’t actually fix all these things, but at least if they’re standing up for them, setting an example, it might help others change their minds.
Anyway, go out and vote today, and ask yourself if you’re putting your interests first, ask if you can think of your fellow human beings as your equals, and if the political ideology you are supporting can allow you to both see your fellow human beings as your brothers and sisters, as equals, and still you can sleep soundly at night with the decisions that will get made for others. Because in the end, the government we are left with isn’t about you, it’s about everyone. It touches every part of life, not just yours. So go and vote, do what you must. But remember, it’s not about just you, and everyone else is just as special, and worthy as you are.

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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