It rained (and hailed) on my parade

Seriously, and it was those little tiny hail stones in high winds. So I started walking so I could put my head down and cover my face. It was like having needles shot at your face! But I persevered and actually had a decent run apart from that. Ankle feels pretty good, still a little stiff and sore, but not nearly as bad as it was. I don’t know how I’ll feel tomorrow though, the wind, rain, and hail sort of had me toss my new form to the, well, wind.
By the time I headed for work, the rain had mostly subsided, and as I write this afternoon it’s actually starting to clear up a bit. Which is good, because I’m standing at an uncovered bus stop waiting for the 20 bus to take me to the train station. I’m a little sad about all of it because tonight is my last class for the school year with my Thursday night class, and they’re all wonderful students and usually lots of fun. I know one of them is moving to Napoli next year, so he won’t be coming back in October. And from here on out, with the exception of my adult courses, it’s a series of “last classes”. I really like my students, I enjoy almost all of my classes. So I’m glad I’ll get some rest, but at the same time, I’ll miss coming to work every day.
Sometimes this job is challenging and even troubling, but my overall happiness is unmatched, and when I head a student achieved their objective it really makes it that much better. I’m 4-4 with students getting their B1 certificate so far this year!
So, since I started writing today, this day got out of hand. The bus was late, I had to rush into my First Certificate prep class, then had my last class with the KET students. So I got home and made an awesome dinner and now I need to get ready for bed. It’s lazy of me, but I’m cutting this short.

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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