Two runs today, technically

So I ran up in Roxbury, they have a race series that goes pretty much all year, culminating in the Marathon in December. Then a couple friends and I did a mile cool down, I usually don’t cool down, or warm up. I’m thinking that may be something to try. So the first two miles were pretty much downhill, and the third mile was a little uphill, and the 4th mile was a lot, and I mean A LOT, uphill. Roxbury, well there’s never a flat run in Roxbury, that’s for sure.
So it was a nice run, but of course a long drive, it’s one of the few places in Connecticut there is not a direct route to from where I live. It was also cold this morning, I need to get the cold weather gear out. Time for some gloves and hats in the mornings I think. But my breathing was good, my pace was good, and I feel good, those are the important things. I’m ready for a 5k tomorrow. Oh, and I came in 22nd overall in the race, out of I have no idea how many people. But yay me! Top 25!
I almost stopped and got a pumpkin to carve on the way home, but I’ll wait until later, or maybe tomorrow. I hope I do well with it, first pumpkin in years. I have some stuff I could do around the house too, we’ll see if we take on a project. But when I got home, my pace bracelets for Philadelphia were waiting for me! So now I have those, and I can start training at those speeds to get used to it. And I shall over the next few weeks.
Pace Braclets
I ordered these from Races2Remember, they are set up with a warm-up strategy and they are adjusted for the Philadelphia Marathon course! I have one on-pace, one fast, if I’m feeling frisky that morning, and one 5 minutes under, in case conditions are bad, or I’m just not feeling it. A little over $8 with shipping, totally worth it. You can do them in kilometers, but then you end up with two bracelets for one pace, and that’s messy.
So I haven’t looked at the course for tomorrow and the profile, but I’ll see how fast I can go, and then maybe run Monday. Meanwhile, Rugby World Cup Quarterfinals today, New Zealand faces France, go NZ! With that, I’m going to enjoy some of this fine Autumn day, so have fun, keep running, and remember, if Gil can run, then so can you!

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