Holy Crap! No seriously, I didn’t realize what I was doing

So I went out today and ran 10.5 miles (17km). I need to get my 40 miles in for this week before Friday, even though I plan on doing my traditional 5k in a new country Saturday morning in Denmark. Here’s the thing though, last March I ran exactly 150 miles, that is the most I have ever run in any month. Today, February 29, 2016 I have passed that, 151.82 mi for the month of February.
If I successfully complete this challenge, I will surpass even that this month. Craziness, what did I get myself into? But I am proud of my accomplishment. Sometimes though, I look at what I’ve done and just think how absolutely insane this must look to most people. I know the people around here who know what I do, don’t really know what to think. They also give me lots of crap about my diet, but oh well.
So I go into my Monday Pacioli class today and one of the girls had written “Imagine all the people” – Ed Sheeran, so I had to correct that. I then proceeded to play the class Imagine, by John Lennon of course, and then we talked about Senator Bernie Sanders going Vegan. If you didn’t know, Senator Sanders announced on Saturday that he’s going Vegan. He cited intersectionality and his gout as his reasons. To end all oppression we must face all oppression, whether it’s against genders, orientations, ethnicity, or other animals, oppression is oppression, and as long as one remains, they all remain. Pretty cool, shame no one’s showing up to vote for him! I am getting an absentee ballot sent to me for a primary, what’s your excuse?
Alright, more music, oh and I should do a recipe today, did I do my vegetarian chili yet? Italian style, because they don’t have things like campbell’s tomato soup here?

Vegetarian Chili

2 cups TVP (or equivalent meat substitute)
1 can red kidney beans (drained)
1 can white beans (drained)
1 can crushed or strained tomatoes
6 oz milk (I use whole milk)
I medium red pepper
1 white onion
3 cloves garlic
3 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp chili powder (or make your own mix)
1 tbsp Tobasco (or Frank’s Red Hot)
Salt and pepper to taste

Sautee the peppers, onions and garlic in oil with salt and pepper, in a large saucepot, 5 minutes or until onions are translucent. Add 1 tsp of chili powder, tomatoes and milk, then add the tvp (already reconstituted), beans, hot sauce and rest of chili powder to taste.
Allow to simmer 15-20 minutes and serve with cheddar cheese and rice or starch of your choosing, tortilla chips, whatever!


Have fun, keep running, and remember; If Gil can run then so can you!

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