Two days in and half-way to my miles

Yep, 20 miles in and it’s only Tuesday! The run today was in heavy rain. Road drainage is a problem here, lots of standing water, very difficult conditions to run in. I hope my shoes are dried out for tomorrow’s run, at least at a comfortable level. If they do, I should be able to get another easy 10 in and be in great shape for hitting 40 miles this week, even if I only do a 5k in Denmark.
So the Sony Walkman MP3 player is not so waterproof. But it seems to be working now that it’s drying out. It worked through most of my run, but from now on in heavy rain I’ll leave it at home. Meanwhile, it was very difficult for me to motivate to get out in the pouring rain today. I managed and I was happy with the results. I’m keeping my pace up, even with discomfort. I’m feeling good, I’m breathing alright, although I find I am much more congested here than I was running in the US. The air is very polluted around here. It’s actually rather gross.
Tonight, I have some lemons, I have some grain alcohol, I have some jars…it’s limoncello time. It can steep while I’m in Denmark, then when I get back I’ll be able to mix it up! Yay!
So right now my students are taking progress tests and I’m massively worried about it. It seems they’re not doing as well as I anticipated they would, but I have to wait until they are done and I get to correct the tests. I really want them to do well, they are very smart. But we shall see.
So that’s all that’s poppin’ over here. Definitely going to sleep well tonight. We’ll see how tomorrow goes! Should be a good one, and then Thursday, and I’m off to the North!
I haven’t done any #sappypunkrocklovesongs recently, so let’s make that happen now. I was thinking about this song because I have to teach my students the future, and I was considering using it.

Have fun, keep running, and remember; If Gil can run then so can you!

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