Back on the horse

Oh it felt good, 9 miler, decent pace, still loads of pain. My foot was alright, my hamstring still needs rest and my left quad started acting up. My Garmin actually recommended 3 days of recovery, who wants to take bets on me following that advice?
So, two days after being asked to spend next school year here, the only public transportation with any sort of workable schedule has broken down twice on me; last night my water simply didn’t work, and apparently that happened to half the town! Seems people say that happens sometimes. As much as I don’t believe in “messages” I can’t help but feel I’m trying to be told something. Tragically, the other day, I was mentioning the poor infrastructure around here. It sickens me that there are places in this world even worse than this. It’s inexcusable, there’s no investment around here, and there’s very little improvement. They just redid the beautiful church in town, but for the most part, the big infrastructure, water, power, transportation, nothing happens. They have some newer trains for the Circumvesuviana, but they mostly run on the Sorrento line. There simply aren’t enough of the newer trains to meet demand. The schedules are a mess, and the fact it’s a single line going both directions can make for long delays.
Today I need to go try and vote as a “homeless” Italian, the referendum is up as to if they want to drill in the sea for oil (which all estimates say there isn’t much there) or if we want to invest in solar, and renewables. Anyone want to guess how I feel?
Which brings me to another point. One of my bookfaces friends posted a meme that one of their friends posted likening factory farming to slavery and Jim Crow lynchings, etc. OK, yes we need a “shift in consciousness” as Jeremy Rifkin says. We need to start looking at other humans as our brothers and sisters, and animals as our evolutionary cousins. We need to stop looking at everything as a resource to be used. This is true. And we do absolutely need to stop eating meat, or certainly stop eating as much meat as we do. It’s bad all around, and the treatment of the animals makes us all guilty of some terrible crimes. We’re not good people if we keep our current farming practices, this is 100% true. But it is in no way the same as what we’ve done to our brothers and sisters for hundreds of years. Factory farming isn’t even 100 years old yet, and when we’re done with it, we won’t put up barriers to animals in the workplace, or keep them from owning homes, etc. No one’s going to blame a hog for raping its sister, even though it was the guy down the street and hang the hog up after beating to to near death and let it just sit there dying while everyone sits around and watches.
Yes, intersectionality is a thing, yes, animal rights is absolutely a part of that, but each part has it’s own problems, are its own crimes, and needs attitudes changed on it. That does not mean that one part of it is like another! Don’t be so fucking insensitive and obtuse about it, because if you are then you’re being no better than the ignorance you claim you’re trying to fight. When you put up stupid fucking memes that piss people off, you don’t help either cause, all you do is alienate yourself, and give those who would uphold the status quo ammunition against the movement to shift human consciousness, into a biosphere consciousness, to a place where we start to see things as we should, as part of the whole, not as part of a world fit for consumption.
It pisses me off so much when people say stupid shit and waste everyone’s time. If you are concerned that what you may say is monumentally stupid, please shut up and carry on what you’re doing. If you need to be corrected in any way, someone will say something to you, be ready to listen. If not, you’re doing great sport, keep your mouth shut and try not to make the rest of us actually striving for togetherness and justice look like a bunch of morons. Thanks.
I think this calls for some Gorilla Biscuits:

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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