The butterplanchini is complete

Yep, I did it, a zucchini inside an eggplant inside a butternut squash. I killed and cleaned the beasts myself. The stuffing tastes good, if the rest of it is as good tomorrow, I will share what I did. I left out the mushrooms, as I don’t do funghi.
I also ran today. I ran a little less than anticipated, my legs were on fire still. I’m pretty sure I’m still fatigued from my illness and marathon, but tomorrow I will push some more. My pace wasn’t too bad today though, even though my old stinky watch was on the fritz. Next week, that will be all fixed. Also, I got my next pair of New Balance 940s but I won’t start using them until December 1. My current pair has over 750 miles on them. I get too excited over new shoes.
Ordered some stuff for the house tonight, need to fix the water dispenser on the fridge, and putting a whole house filter in. Have I talked to you about not using bottled water? You shouldn’t. I don’t, and although the fridge has a filter in it, filtering the water for the whole house has advantages. Cleaner clothes, easier to fill pots and pans when you need to boil water for pasta and such. They say that boiling water from a city system can actually concentrate the chemicals they put in it. So filtering it gets rid of most of that. Plus you do feel cleaner when you take a shower.
Other than all that, tomorrow begins the “Holiday Season”. I implore that all of us keep in mind, while we’re stressing over what to get our loved ones, and where we’re going, and what we have to bring and all that mess, please remember those who have little to nothing and need some help and a little love and giving from those of us who don’t need to worry about it. So don’t just take care of the things you feel you have to, make a little time, spend a little money to help out a stranger who is in need. It’s pretty much the real reason for the season. We are all one, appreciate it and do what you can. It’s the season, it commands love.
With that, have fun, keep running, and remember, if Gil can run, then so can you!

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