Completely missed yesterday!

I’ll chalk it up to “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything.” I was in a bad mood when I finished my run yesterday, all I could think of was all the things that piss me off around here. And that’s not a good thing. But I managed to get a decent mileage in and top 110 miles for the month. Today I got another few miles in.
So as Cinco De Mayo nears, I realize it’s very hard to find lime anything in this country. For an area with tons of citrus, they grow no limes, my students don’t even know what a lime is! I have to describe it in terms of a lemon, and it sucks because this is a vocabulary word for some of them. How does one make guacamole, or margaritas, or Thai food, or anything good without limes? So my idea is, when I finally have a place of my own and some room to grow things, I will have to grow limes. It’s a crime, such perfect citrus weather and they don’t have limes.
So yesterday, I finally remembered to bring the cans of tuna  and a thing of pancetta that my roommate had left behind into work. My apartment is now 100% meat free! Some times it’s the little things that are most exciting. I’ve managed to survive pretty well here, although sometimes I catch attitude about vegetarianism, but once I found where everything was, it’s been easy to stay the course. Even in a small town with not much to offer. While my running, social life, and other aspects have been compromised by the area, at least my diet hasn’t. The longer I stay away from meat though, the more militant about it I feel like I’m getting. Maybe it is the reactions I get here about it. As I finished my run yesterday Propagandhi’s “Nailing Descartes to the wall (liquid) Meat is still murder” came on my mp3 player, and I belted it out to the collective indifference of the locals on the street. It is a foreign language to them, and they’re generally indifferent about everything, until it’s time to drive and then they’re the most impatient SOBs ever!
Alright, here it is:

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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