A day off, no seriously

For the first time in a month and a half, I took a day off from running. Got some stuff done around the house. Not much, but a little. Purchased my airline tickets, and of course now I’m nervy, since they asked me to buy airline tickets before I’ve actually signed a contract. Which is like, I felt crazy doing it. What if something happens, what if they misunderstood something I said or whatever? I don’t know, I’ve never done this before, so I’m worried. Well, if I do end up there, at least I am allowed to work and live there, so if something falls through I’m sure I can figure something out. It will just make things really difficult for a bit. But point is, there’s some fear there. I mean this is a huge step right. So understandably, I have some concerns. But as I said, I have a cushion, insofar as I am a citizen there and I am allowed to work there, so worst case scenario, I just have to turn around and ask some friends for help and land on my feet. But I’m not expecting things to go wrong, I’m just generally neurotic.
No running didn’t help that, but at the same time, I really needed the rest, so much so I may put my long run off until Monday, instead of doing it tomorrow like I planned. Not only did the streak take its toll but the sickness has definitely fatigued me well. While I’m feeling much better today, my chest is still congested and I’m just trying to get that cleared out. Being an asthmatic, and having chest congestion does not make for a good combination on a cold long run.
Alright, I’m going to stop writing, because it’s making me worry more, ha! So have fun, keep running and remember; If Gil can run then so can you!

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