The machine keeps running

I woke up late, got out to run late. I’m not as tired as I was yesterday, but pretty close. Took a nap, you know I’m tired if I take a nap.
I like that I seem to be keeping a consistent pace overall with my runs. I do not like that I am so damned tired. Hopefully, tomorrow will show more improvement.
Meanwhile, I finally figured out my address here in town. I still haven’t gone to my favorite pizzeria, and I realized tomorrow I must buy a lid for one of my pans so I can cook rice! What was I thinking? How is one supposed to cook rice without lids for their pans? Things we take for granted sometimes.
So I still have a week and a half to spend doing something before work starts. Doing nothing all day is actually rather difficult. Just trying to get everything settled and set is a lot of hurry up and wait. Although, I heard from the Italian Consulate in New York today, they sent my information to Barletta almost 2 years ago, and yet Barletta does not have it in the system. What a giant pain that is. At least Barletta is a quick train ride from where I am, so I will be able to easily sort all this out, even when I start working, it shouldn’t be much of a problem. Logistics and administration is not my strong suit, and doing it in a different language makes things tougher. I complain, I get frustrated, but overall it could be much worse.
So tomorrow I wake up and try again, hopefully things improve. Although, as this day has gone on, I have gotten more and more tired. So we shall see. A fresh round of mosquito bites aren’t helping at all. I really don’t like these little bastards.

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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