Totally have been vegged out

Seriously, ran Thursday, ran today. It’s been tiring. But I think I haven’t been eating enough. Now that I’m aware, hopefully I won’t have these problems anymore.
Meanwhile, there’s a half marathon in town next weekend, and I can’t find out where to register for it. You have to register online by the end of this week. But it seems you can’t register online without a login and you can’t get a login without physically handing in paperwork in Rome. That’s just obscene.
So I wrote the organizers and asked them, but who knows if they’ll get back to me. On the good side of things I got my phone sorted and everything else seems to be easy sailing through calm seas. So that’s a plus.
Other than that I really have nothing. I voted, mailed my ballot back. The lady at the post office was funny, “You’re not voting for Trump are you?” Seriously people, it’s not bullshit, the rest of the world does not want us to vote for Trump, they understand the particular danger he represents. They get that he is not a good person and would be bad for America, and what’s bad for America is bad for the world. It’s not because of “aide” we may give places, we don’t give much to Europe at all. It’s because when our economy tanks, when we pull away from the world, we cause depressions, we cause bad economies all over. We hurt people. When you get people who don’t understand how things are connected, that’s when really bad things happen, that’s what Trump is. And the European people, by and large, understand it. We need to wake up.
I have always felt voting and participating important. I have always felt there was a dangerous path America was headed down and that working the way I do helps avoid that path. I have never felt it as viscerally, I’ve never felt the danger so close, so palpable as I do this time around. I hope this is the last time in a long time I feel this way. I am legitimately afraid of what a Trump presidency would mean. We have just over a month to go, and hopefully this round of fight the fascists ends well.

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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