Gil Can Run Episode 13 is finally HERE!

Oh we have so much to talk about, I run out of time! I had a super busy weekend and wanted to share. And a friend of mine had a birthday and she was talking about getting “old” so I share some thoughts. I’m now a godfather as well, so I talk about that. It’s all very cool, also, I managed to get a good run in today! Check it out and make sure to share with your friends.

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Sorry for the lack of new vids and stuff

But I ran! I ran so far away! No seriously, if I didn’t stop to talk to my neighbor that first mile, how fast would I have gone? I think that was my fastest mile ever. I was shocked given how much pain my foot has been causing and how slow I’ve been. I had a lot to do, so I knew I had to be fast. This weekend I have to go to New Jersey for my friend’s birthday party type event. Then Sunday is my nephew’s baptism, and I get to be a godfather. On top of all that, I have to run tomorrow morning and put new shocks on the front end of my Jeep.
So busy isn’t the word. But things are settling down, and as soon as I can I have great news, but I can’t share it yet. I thought I would be able to the other day. But I’m stuck in a weird situation.
Alright, so all day long I’ve seen people posting about Michael Vick. It’s been bothering me, listen, I don’t care how long he spent in jail; torturing and killing animals is just as wrong as torturing and killing human beings. If we wouldn’t let a person who tortured and killed a human out of jail, why would we let someone who did the same to not just one dog but to many? He does not deserve to be part of society, forget about making millions playing a game for a living. No, he has not done his time, no he has not made it right. He belongs in jail.
We can’t have equality, we can’t end oppression, until we end it all, until we make all equal, that includes those who can’t speak for themselves. All living beings have a right to live, and we should not be responsible for shortening their lives. “But such and such is natural” you may say. Perhaps, but we have cognitive abilities that allow us to defy the natural order when we so choose. To not choose to live a kind life seems so wrong to me. I don’t hold it against people, they have been trained to think a certain way, and some people truly enjoy the flavor and everything. I just wish they would see it a little more compassionately. As far as someone who murders for sport though, that’s unforgivable in my eyes. Sorry, it has nothing to do with any other aspect of Vick’s life, it’s all about what he did to those dogs and how I feel about the importance of not just my human brothers and sisters’ lives, but the lives of our cousins throughout the animal kingdom.
Anyway, something to think about. I am going to get to sleep, so I can run tomorrow morning. Have fun, keep running and remember, if Gil can run then so can you!

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Self-Transcendence, in Marathon Form

Alright, so I was off to a bad start with grabbing the wrong socks and forgetting my EZ Pass at home. It was hot, it was humid, it was brutally awesome. Look, I’m not saying every marathon should have great positive people and a sitar player, but yeah, they should. I was doing alright, but the foot started hurting again, that slowed me down, then the last lap I caught up with some friends, and friends are more important than times. So I ended up finishing over 5 hours again. My watch also died at mile 24. So my time and such is NOT official.
It was great catching up with friends I seldom get to see, and many people from my home club, and just really great people. The after race food was all vegetarian, which was nice for me. The Soy “chicken” salad was awesome! If you’re looking for an August marathon in the New York Metropolitan area next year, Sri Chinmoy Self-Transcendence Marathon I would highly recommend. If I am here next year, I will run it and hope I’m healthier and it’s slightly cooler, nice and flat course, with loads of positivity. I could see myself PRing this course easily.
So the craziest thing did happen this race, I’d never seen it before. The race leader literally passed out on the last lap. I came across the scene as the paramedics were taking care of him. I felt bad. but things happen. So all in all, an exciting an interesting race, with lots of friends and friendly people, definitely in my top 5! Have fun, keep running and remember, if Gil can run, so can you!

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Making a decision for November

Since the big news I was hinting at yesterday has to wait, thanks to other people not doing their job, let’s discuss November. Now, last year I ran Brooklyn and Philly in back to back weeks. That’s an option again this year…and honestly, I’m considering it. But either way I have to make a choice, one, or the other, or both. Thanks to a discussion with one of my oldest and dearest friends, who happens to live in Philly, I know I have a place to stay for the weekend, and someone to hang with to go to coffee shops and get massively wired and hyped up. Plus I can make another awesome meal for him and his lady, and we would have a grand old time. The problem I have with Philly is: It’s crazy expensive! I think it’s up to $150 at this point. I know I will have a great time if I sign up for Philly though. I love visiting that city, I know the marathon is absolutely top-notch and I get to see my friend. Decisions, decisions. While I sit here and contemplate, You all have fun and keep running, because if Gil can run, then so can you…oh man, this is a tough one…

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Today was an easy one

So I originally planned to run further, but my foot was feeling funny and so I decided to cut it short. I’m still on target with distance for the year and for my marathon goals. Tonight was a good run even though my foot hurt still. It was slow, but pretty steady pace. I’ve been trying to work on my pacing, I tend to start out too fast and burn out too quickly. So I’ve been trying for a while to just keep a steady chosen pace. Today I did that pretty well, only had two real outlier times. There won’t be a show again tonight. Sorry guys. It’s been too much with the whole not really having a place to live and everything. I’ve had way too much on my plate. Next week though, that’s a promise, well maybe I can manage something this weekend. I will try. This is the first weekend I don’t have to cram 10 lbs of shit into a 5 lbs bag! But when I do have the next show I will have big news, that I can promise! It’s big news of a personal nature. Let’s just say I should not be technically homeless for much longer. Anyway, when I know more I will share! You guys have a great night, thanks for sticking with me, have fun and keep running, because if Gil can run, then so can you!

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Even a good run can be bad sometimes

I had a really great run tonight. It was hot, humid and bleh, but I stuck with it, minimal pain in my foot, had a nice circuit course, instead of out and back, I really felt great. Except the last couple miles…what happened? I forgot band-aids today. There’s a little blood on my shirt, but not terrible. I’m not too far off my projected distance for this month either, I might be able to catch up tomorrow and Saturday, depending on how my foot is feeling.
I really like runs like today though. Nice and easy, not pushing too hard, not expecting anything at all. I was smiling and waving at everyone and I got lots of smiles per hour back! That’s the best part. I love being able to run a loop now too, and that I’ve been running past New Haven City Hall and the awesome Amistad memorial they have. If you don’t know what the Amistad is (haven’t seen the movie or read history) check it out. I love that New Haven was integral in getting the Amistad revolutionaries their freedom and that we had the good sense to put up a memorial to people who deserve it from the days of slavery, folks who fought the system, and wouldn’t be slaves! Not some douchebag slave-owner or person that fought to uphold slavery, like most monuments in this country depict. I take great pride in that monument we have. I don’t get how people don’t understand how insensitive and cruel it is to have monuments and worship the symbols of hundreds of years of oppression, apartheid, murder, and enslavement of a people. I’ll never understand that. When folks say it’s “heritage”, yes a heritage of oppression, apartheid, murder, and enslavement. I’m sorry, but any positive you try and pull out of that is just way overshadowed. It’s like saying “Sure the Nazis killed millions, but look at the GREAT highways they built.” and yes, they built great highways, but you won’t see any sensible Germans getting all teary-eyed over the swastika, or wanting to put up statues of Joseph Goebels. Seriously, ask them.
And that was my run, then I got the microwave installed in my house, and apparently there will be hot water on Friday! Almost there. But then, in searching for a coaxial cable jumper tonight, I had a thermos drop on my toe. It was really painful, and of course it was my left foot. Let’s see what happens. Time for me to go though, have fun and keep running, because if Gil can run, then so can you!

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Coming toward the end of my odyssey, in a way

So I signed up for my September marathon tonight. The Inaugural Suffolk County Marathon in Islip, NY. With October already done, that means I just have to sign up for November and December, then I just have to complete them all to make 12 marathons (or more) in 12 months. I’m not going to lie, it’s still way up in the air, I’m in massive pain this evening, my left foot and right knee are howling, and I didn’t even run today! We’ll see what happens, either December comes and goes and I hit my mark (which I’ve already done at least one marathon per month over the past twelve months average) or I break, either way, I’m not giving up. I will finish unless someone forces me to stop. One thing distance running teaches you, it’s to be determined. I hope I make it. In the meantime, I may have an official place to live by the end of the week! Being technically homeless sucks, I don’t suggest it for anyone. remember to give to your local homeless charity, and go help out the less fortunate at a soup kitchen or something equally as great. Lobby to get those horrible laws about not feeding the homeless and such repealed! It’s important! Alright, I need sleep, long week ahead of me, after a long day today, and with this level of pain, and me not using pain killers, chances are it’ll be a restless night. But have hope and stay positive! I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t love it! So have fun kids, and keep running, because if Gil can run, then so can you!

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My left foot! No, seriously, it hurts!

So yeah, went out and ran. Right now I am icing my planter fascia. It hurt so much, I did what I could today, if I could have called someone to pick me up and drive me back, I would have. I cannot properly describe how much this hurts. I hope the swelling and pain will go down enough to have an enjoyable Tuesday night run. Luckily, I accomplished all my other goals this weekend. So it wasn’t a complete disaster, just my running left something to be desired, which isn’t too bad.
I’m going to shave and go to sleep, I’m tired and sore and that’s all. So have fun and keep running, because if Gil can run, then so can you!

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The State St Bridge is OPEN!

Seriously, this bridge has been out for 6 years. 6 years it took to replace this thing, and it maybe spans 100 ft. So it finally opened on Friday, I had to run it today! I was a little short of 10 miles, but no big deal. I spent all morning and most of the afternoon on my sister’s roof finding a leak that caused a partial collapse in her kitchen ceiling. I think I found it, really she needs a new roof anyway, but they just got the house, so that’s not an option right now. Tomorrow I will shingle the area I tore off and go from there. Believe it or not I’m pretty handy. The only stuff I’m not confident with is electrical, but honestly it’s just a matter of confidence. Now that I’m older and a bit more patient I think I can handle electrical.
So after all that I went for a nice Saturday run over the State St. Bridge. I bonked around mile 7, it’s ok, it was a really hot day, tomorrow will be hotter. While running through downtown I saw a girl who looked kind of like a girl I don’t really like at all. I don’t like people who lead me on. Long story short, I was going too fast at that point to know if it was her, but whomever it was looked kind of shocked to see me, maybe it was her; or maybe a sweaty, bearded guy barreling toward her on a city sidewalk at 6pm was a bit shocking, no idea. At this point my legs actually hurt pretty bad. Worse than normal for sure, being on a roof all morning and afternoon was not helpful. Mentally, I’m thinking about that girl, and others who have led me on and made me feel used and crappy. I don’t like that feeling. As you can tell, I’m a pretty straightforward, from the heart, type. So when people don’t return the favor, it bothers me. I shouldn’t let it, but it does. Pisses me off really, more than I ever admit. I am a big fan of staying real and being honest, yet for whatever reason I keep end up getting attracted to people who are so horribly fake. I need to not be bothered and let it slide. Forgiveness is the one thing I really need to work on, I really suck at it, once I’m mad, I stay mad. It really is not good, I don’t lash out in a particularly bad way, I just don’t forgive people and withhold my awesomeness.
Well, that’s my problem, not yours. Do your best and I will do the same. Have fun, keep running, because if Gil can run, then you can you!

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Friday night run!

Best part of my day, seriously, my run. Mostly because the “plumbers” that are supposed to be working on my house destroy more than they complete while they are here. They are a walking disaster. I will not even begin to list the devastation, suffice to say as the grandson of a great plumber, I KNOW I could do a much better job, faster, than they can. They broke a toilet installing it, they have an open pipe on the sewer stack! No wonder they “warranty” their work for two years, they know no one in their right mind would ever willingly invite them back to touch anything in their house. There is hydraulic cement on my walls now, because one of them patched the foundation by hand. Who puts concrete anywhere, with their hand? Then touches newly finished walls with said hand? It’s a disaster, they are shameful.
Enough complaining, I needed to vent. If you’re in my area and need contractors, plumbing and otherwise, I can tell you who to avoid now. And one guy you should definitely hire if he’s available. My general contractor is great, he’s a perfectionist, the ass clowns he hired as subs are not the usual subs he works with, long story short we started way behind schedule and his usual crew had taken other jobs. Anyway, I’m going to bed, I have a big weekend. Have fun and keep running, because if Gil can run, then so can you!

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