Shameless when it comes to raising money
So I have been doing a fundraiser for WWF Australia for the last couple of weeks, tomorrow is the last day so tonight I streamed some Minecraft, hardcore of course. Anyway, I have had incentives on stream to get people to donate, like $2 to the campaign and I flex my arms, $5 and I’ll do some pushups or situps, $10 and I’ll juggle, $15 and I’ll sing a song, $25 and you pick the song I sing. So a friend comes in tonight and makes a package deal for $100 and asks me to sing Nickleback. I didn’t even know the name of the song, although it turns out it’s their famous one? Anyway, you give me enough money and I’m following all the instructions.
Follow the link if you want to watch.
If you want to donate:
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Changes are coming soon
I have changed things up a bit and started a new way to express myself. Also, Starbucks coffee sucks.
Give a follow at
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