Really great training run to finish May
Tomorrow begins June, almost halfway through 2015! Hope the first 5 months of this year have been as great to you as they’ve been to me. I’m very happy with today’s run. Except for the last hilly bit, I pushed pretty well and managed to average 9:25 min/mi (5:57 min/km). Whenever I talk speed, distance, or any measurement I will try to remember to use both Imperial (as that is standard for me) and Metric, because Metric makes more sense, and I’m United and Worldwide (see the Warzone reference there? RIP Raybeez) Anyway, you can check out today’s run stats here. I have to go help my sister in her new house again today, painting and other boring, horrible things. Oh, also today’s run puts me at 625 miles (1006 km) for the year! Right where I want to be.
Also have to pick up a yoga mat as Raghunath’s (formerly Ray Cappo) 30 day men’s yoga challenge starts tomorrow! Me and 3094 happy students are taking the course, that’s what the website says. All about positivity! Looking forward to being more flexible and having a great time trying out yoga in my own time and space. Namaste! ^_^
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The Gil Can Run Show Ep. 4!!!
Yes! 4 Episodes, wow, the Simpsons has nothing on me!
So I ran the Hamden Hills Half today, we talk about responsible pet ownership, and my plans for running this Summer so far! Oh what a ride!
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Ready for Hamden’s Hills
Ahhh, the Hamden Hills Half Marathon. Clint and the Shoreline Sharks put on a great race, and tomorrow should be fun. Also, I signed up for the BUS 6 hour Pajama Romp this evening, which is the day after the Marathon Around the Lake in Wakefeild, MA. I’ve set myself quite the challenge for late July! Should be fun, stay tuned!
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New Episode coming Saturday night/Sunday morning
Alright, I decided I’ll record after the Hamden Hills Half on Saturday. Other than that, my transition to a vegetarian diet is going pretty well. I had a gardein black bean burger and I put some of my homemade pickles, and pickled jalapenos on it. Great idea! Speaking of which I should grow some jalapenos and some thai chilis. I can get them going pretty quick. My lemon trees are coming along well.
Exciting stuff happening right? Anyway it all comes down to being healthier. Not just physically, not just about looking good, but it’s about feeling good too. I feel good that my life isn’t costing (as much at this point) something else’s life. All this healthy living gets me thinking about:
Yeah, everything I say has a song accompanying it. Every phrase or sentence I hear, makes me think of a song. So, I’m going to share this one with you tonight. And you’ll say “But Gil, you said you listen to mostly hardcore and punk.” My answer is simple, hardcore, punk, and hip hop are absolutely entwined. They all have a message, well any real music has a message.
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Not going to run again. Not recovering as fast as I should, so I am going to focus on nutrition, stretching, relaxing, and healing. That is all, I have nothing to add tonight, nothing witty, nothing clever. Upset that I’m not ready to run yet.
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Tuesday, nothing doing
Here we are. Tuesday, not running anywhere. My legs hurt way too much. Going to try Magnesium before my next long run and from here on out we’re going with water and sodium for anything over an hour and a half. It looks like 60 degrees is my cutoff, where I have to start being super-careful about hydration, electrolytes, and fueling. I just got the data for Burlington’s weather from Sunday on Weather Underground. Great resource to research the exact conditions during your run.
I will get out tomorrow and get a few miles in, then shut it down until the Hamden Hills Half Marathon on Saturday.
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Episode 3 came early!
After the Vermont City Marathon, I felt I had to review it, and talk about some other stuff, driving through Massachusetts for one. GMOs, and gardening and why you should grow a garden. How awesome Vermont is.
So I failed in my time, but kicked ass in high fives and positive mental attitude (PMA)! My friends did really well today, so much credit to all of them. I’m loving life and my legs are hating me right now. There was something else I forgot to mention in the video and now I can’t remember what it was. Oh well. Maybe I’ll figure it out later.
Hope you enjoy, have fun out there, keep running and rock on!
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Ready for Vermont City Marathon
As you can see, I am all set for tomorrow. I opted for my home club singlet and the marathon maniacs beanie. I’m ready to rock! 30 high fives tomorrow, that is my goal.
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The Gil Can Run Show, Ep 2!
We touch on a few subjects here, this week’s upcoming marathon, a little bit about my first race and why it’s my first race. Hardcore and what that all means to me and the festival I attended this weekend. I have a message about littering, during races and when you’re driving, and driving safety, and getting hit by a car while running. That’s not all, there’s more, yeah I’m shocked most of this ends up being extemporaneous too.
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Very cool Vermont City Marathon!
In a very neat move, the Vermont City Marathon just sent me an e-mail with a link to all the coupons and offers they are advertising this weekend. I hope this is in lieu of the 8,000 pieces of paper they usually cram into your swag bag. If this is the case, that they have replaced the paper ads with digital, I am more than excited at this responsible and intelligent approach.
Less litter, I like that shit!
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