Healing and aliens

So I got out and ran! And boy-howdy did I! For being as sick and congested as I’ve been, I was very pleased with today’s effort. 10 miles on a weekday isn’t normal, but missing a Saturday with a cold isn’t normal for me either. My work schedule is going to make Saturday runs difficult for me, but I am going to try to work around it. I felt pretty good, except my right hamstring started feeling a little off towards the last 15 minutes. I hope that nagging injury isn’t coming back.
Then I discovered one of my co-worker’s husband is a sports medicine doctor in town and will be able to give me my medical certificate to run the marathon I want to in December, and even do it all legit and stuff. So, after he gets back from running the New York Marathon in November, well do that. So I will be signing up for the Marathon of the Cathedrals.
But then I look on bookfaces today, and I see a page I liked because they usually share some chill stuff had posted an article about the LCROSS mission to the Moon in 2009, claiming that NASA had “bombed” the Moon with a 2-kiloton device, and no one knew why. But it was probably to take care of that alien moonbase someone had spotted. Needless to say, I unfollowed that mess. But here’s the big problem with it. First, for those that don’t know, LCROSS was designed to send a plume of moon dust up so that scientists could study the chemical makeup of it. How do they do that? Based on the light that is absorbed, the light they can’t see (not just visible light either), they can determine what elements are in the dust. It’s how they know the chemical composition of distant objects. All elements absorb certain frequencies of light, and we know this. How do we know this? Experimentation!
Now, yes it was a 2 kiloton bomb they used to make this happen. 2 kilotons is about 4 times more powerful than your regular every day bomb, it’s about 1/3rd LESS powerful than Little Boy (the first atomic bomb). Considering they needed to eject enough deep material to look for water, so basically, a big explosion was needed. It’s not that big of an explosion.
But for an alien moonbase, I’m sure it would not be near enough. We’re talking aliens, so they have the technology to either travel faster than light, defeat the laws of physics, or at least get around that speed limit, or they have the resources and technology to create a generational ship, either way, I doubt their moonbase would be susceptible to destruction by such a low-yield conventional device, nor nuclear device. But more than that, and I’ve discussed it before, and now I’m searching for real answers on this point. If aliens were visiting us, why would they keep it secret? Why would they conspire with our governments and not just take what they wanted and go? Their technology would have to be superior, they could easily take what they wanted. They don’t need anyone’s permission, and they damned sure well wouldn’t care what we thought about it. Do you think, if humanity were to visit another world, we’d skulk around hoping not to interfere? And if that were the case, we wouldn’t tell their GOVERNMENT!
It simply makes no sense when you examine the logic, even a little. Not only do we have no technology an alien species could profit from (not talking about economically), if they wanted our resources they could just take them and we would be powerless to stop them. It is such a silly idea. But it speaks to a larger problem we have. The use of the internet, or misuse, to dupe relatively well-meaning, yet gullible or at worst ignorant people into believing these outright ridiculous ideas. You see it clearly in things like this, but there’s also this Conservative radio host/blogger named Alex Jones. I hate saying his name. He went on this rant the other day, about how he knows people close to the President who says that they President is possessed by demons, and that Secretary Clinton is possessed too, and he knows this, because people tell him. People believe him! They believe in crap like this. It’s amazing, it’s insane, and they have a voice and a distribution channel here, on the internet.
Please, someone figure out how to curate these things, so the information that is truly just crazy, completely bogus, devoid of any real meaning can be discarded. It’s too much. It makes me so sad, because we have such great potential, and yet we waste it on such meaningless bullshit. Stupid conspiracy theories like this, and they are, lessen us all, and insults our collective intelligence.

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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