The weather broke, and it was glorious

It was such a nice run today! It’s like the weather has been building pressure over the last couple weeks and last night, there was this violent storm, short but violent, and today it’s actually relatively cool and it’s just a beautiful day out.
So I’m not going to watch the Republican National Convention, because they’re not going to say anything but the same shit they’ve been saying. Benghazi, e-mails, lies about the President, they’re going to further blame Muslims and immigrants for people’s problems. They’re not going to have any numbers, facts, statistics that will make me think they have any good ideas.
They can’t convince me that lower taxes will fix things, when taxes for the highest earners have been historically low for decades now, and wages have stagnated for the bottom tier of society. You can’t convince me that crime is worse now when per capita violent crime is at all-time lows. You can’t convince me that the economy is bad when the stock markets are at historic highs, and yes we haven’t really fixed the problems that have caused the last couple crashes, but they don’t have any ideas to fix that, they actually want to make it worse. They’re not going to talk about infrastructure, their ideas on education is less of it, and more bullshit about creationism. We don’t need religion, we need to know how to create, how to build, how to make, and you learn those things in school, by learning math, science, art, literature. Sorry if learning science necessarily teaches us that we are doing serious harm to our planet and we need to change the way we do things like how we create power and get work done. They won’t have anything new on energy policy either, to that end. They’re not going to talk about how to make solar and wind more affordable and wide-spread, about capping carbon emissions and ultimately lowering them. About investing in cleaning up the environment. In fact they’ll talk about “onerous regulations”, those regulations that keep water safe to drink, food safe to eat, the air safe to breathe (all these things are relative, they could still be much cleaner than they are), and how we need to rid ourselves of these burdens. It’s the poor people’s fault for being poor afterall. That’s what they will say. Nothing new, they have no ideas on how to fix anything, they only see profit, money, and that all tells them to stay on the same course to self-destruction.
So why watch? But I will pay attention to all the messed up stuff that happens. Yesterday we had a protest on the floor as the #NeverTrump crowd was silenced and not allowed a vote on their petition. That was funny. Then we had a cavalcade of who-cares take the stage, washed up 70s, 80s and 90s actors telling us what they thought about whatever, who gives a shit. One was so bad they actually cut away from his speech a few minutes in, because he was just boring and ridiculous. Then we got the former mayor of New York and a horrible self-loathing asshole who’s idea of fixing the city was to round up all the homeless and ship them to New Jersey, then proceed to shut down anything that was remotely fun and non-corporate. There were other speakers, but the icing on the cake comes in two parts, one not a speaker, and the other the night’s keynote.
First we had Rep. Steve King from Iowa on TV, where he said that Europeans are the only ones (he really said this) to ever contribute anything to society. He tried to spin it as meaning “Christians”, but he started out with some shit about people complaining about “Old white people”. After this clusterfuck, we got the oddest entrance from Donald Trump, he looked like a slouching old Undertaker from the WWE entering the ring at Summer Slam. Beyond pathetic. Then his wife took the stage, and proceeded to steal whole sentences of her speech from the one First Lady Michele Obama gave at the DNC in 2008. So they hate everything the Obamas have done so much, they need to steal from them?
So day one was a complete shit show. Apparently, there may be a norovirus outbreak, so it may become a literal shit show soon. Meanwhile, we have to deal with this shit and there’s still tons of other heinous shit happening in this world. We really need to get our shit together, get it all together, put it in a bookbag, take it to the shit store and sell it, we need to get our shit together. In the meantime, this one’s for Trump and the whole GOP at this point:

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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