Down-side, I keep oversleeping

I can’t seem to get myself out of “vacation mode”. Thankfully, I don’t have any days next week where I have to be to work early until Saturday. So when I finally rolled out of the apartment and ran today, there wasn’t much stress. But it does bother me that I’m not waking up on time, and getting things done when I want to.
Speaking of doing things, City of Montreal, Quebec, Canada shame on you! They banned all “pit bull” type breeds of dogs. They made massive restrictions on dogs already owned by individuals, and when the law goes into effect all abandoned types of these dogs are to be euthanized immediately. OK, a few things. First, people SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR DAMNED PETS! All types of domestic animals overpopulating is bad. Second, these dogs are only “more dangerous” because they are trained to be. Breed specific legislation is ridiculous. Third, breeds are ridiculous. I want a dog, I want a cat, I don’t much care what specific traits humans have bred into or out of the particular animal to make it “different”. It’s bullshit, it’s bad for the genetic and overall health of the animals, and it’s cruel. Fourth, we have created this issue through improper breeding and care, why are the dogs being punished for it? Fuck you Montreal City Council, fuck you Mayor of Montreal. That’s all I got today, just fuck them.

Have fun, keep running, and remember; if Gil can run then so can you!

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